Saturday, February 16, 2008

Finally it's over..!!!

Yes..!! My 3 months of attachment is finally over..!!!

Feel so relieve today. Haha. It's time for me to rest for awhile and meet up wif my dear frens..!!! And of cos spend more time with my dear. :)

Been slping late and waking up early for the past 3months. Need to replenish my beauty sleeps!! LOL..

Today didnt really do any work. Jus settling of report, logbook and returning of thinkpad and security pass.

Took some pics wif them and say goodbyes.

Abit bu she de to leave tat place. But it's definitely not the pple there im going to miss.

Class chalet on 19th-21st. Gonna enjoy myself to the fullest...!!

Ending of one chapter, means the beginning of another chapter. Time files!

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