Friday, March 21, 2008

Talc in make-up is safe!!!


- Talc: It is not derived from asbestos; it's a mineral.
Cosmetic grade talc is safe as used. There are no valid studies that link talc to cancer. Talc does not clog pores: the size of the talc particles is bigger than the pores and the pores have a positive pressure, that is they have a tendency of pushing anything towards the outside. TALC DOES NOT CAUSE ACNE!!

- FD&C Colouring: These are synthetic materials that have been evaluated by the US FDA and deemed safe to be used in Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C).

- Lanolin: Unpuried lanolin contains protein that can cause allergies. The cosmetic industry has long ago exclusively used purified lanolin which is safe and not allergenic.

- Petrolatum: Used by medical community to test other ingredient for their allergy potential. never have allergies to petrolatum been reported. It forms a film on the skin/lips and helps moisturise it, not dry it.

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