Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's now the end of the 2nd week of uni life. What i can say is that it's really different from poly life. =x Everything have to be self-learning, being on your own on everything. Everything is ok now at first semester. Going forward will be much tougher. I hope i can cope ya. *pray*
Feel like joining cca, but scare i couldnt cope. :(

Anyways, here are some overdue pics taken on Jamie's birthday. Sweetness....







Dearie is going in PA in 3wks time. :(

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Yes, the Rolls Royce of Chocolates

Want to thank sis for bringing home such nice chocolates - melts in your mouth within secs! How nice is that! Love it! (but not the calories it gives. HAHA.)

Here's a link i have found, about royce chocolate (clearer pics, better entry. LOL.)

Royce chocolate website. In japanese though.







Enjoy spending time with you. =) More of that?